4 Tips for Managing Morning Sickness During Pregnancy from a Registered Dietitian

pregnant woman in bed with morning sickness

When you’ve been trying to get pregnant and you finally see that little line on the test you first feel overwhelming excited. This is followed closely by that pesky little thing we call ‘morning sickness’.

Nausea and vomiting during pregnancy are some of the most common pregnancy symptoms. Studies show it impacts 70-80% of pregnancies – So, if you are going through it now, know you are certainly not alone. Although known as “morning sickness”, the reality is that nausea during pregnancy can happen at any time of the day and be quite persistent for some women.

Nausea and vomiting during pregnancy typically start around week 6 of pregnancy and most often calm by the end of the first trimester.

Managing nausea and vomiting for a number of weeks can impact many parts of your life such as your ability to meet your pregnancy nutritional needs, not to mention significantly affecting your day-to-day activities and quality of life.

So, what can be done to help manage this unpleasant pregnancy symptom?

Here are some tips you can try to find some relief from nausea during pregnancy:

1. Have small and frequent meals every 2-3 hours

Meal timing and spacing can play a significant role in managing pregnancy morning sickness.

When there are gaps in between meals that are too long, an empty stomach can trigger nausea. On the other hand, eating too close together can increase the workload on your digestive tract and also trigger nausea. You need to find a happy medium!

Eating a small meal every 2-3 hours is often helpful in reducing this symptom.

2. Avoid strong smells and tastes

One theory as to why so many pregnant women experience nausea is that the senses actually heighten. This means that strong smells and tastes can be particularly triggering and it may be best you avoid these, when possible.

This could include sticking with more cold-food options rather than cooking hot meals or reducing your spice use during this time. Even things that smell pleasant can bring on the morning sickness.

3. Try taking your prenatal vitamins at night before bed

Prenatal vitamins contain certain nutrients that can be triggering nausea for many women.

If you’re experiencing nausea during your pregnancy, experimenting with the timing of your prenatal vitamins may help to reduce this symptom. Although it’s recommended to take many prenatal vitamins first thing in the morning on an empty stomach, this actually may make your nausea worse.

Try taking your supplement at night just before going to bed to help manage your symptoms.

4. Snack on sour foods

Sour foods can help to reduce nausea for many pregnant women, believe it or not.

This could include snacking on green apples, lemon or lime flavours, citrus fruits or sour candies. If you normally love sour food, it’s definitely worth a shot!

Along with lifestyle changes, it’s important to speak with your healthcare provider to decide if a pregnancy-safe medication option is right for you. If you’re experiencing extreme nausea and vomiting where you cannot keep anything down for 24 hours, it’s important to speak with your doctor immediately.

If you’re interested in nutrition tips designed for pregnancy and tailored to your individual needs book your complimentary 15-minute call to see if PUSH is the right fit for you.


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